
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is coming October 25 & features cross-play support - martinezturzartur

After weeks of rumours and hypothesis, 2019's Call of Duty game has finally broken cover and as suspected, IT's a homecoming to Infinity Ward's fashionable subseries but rather than MW4, IT's simply entitled Hollo of Duty: Modern Warfare.

During a worldwide let ou event, centered around a trailer which we've posted beneath, publisher Activsion confirmed that Modern War will see the return of a full single player campaign to the Call of Tariff series after its petit mal epilepsy in Black Ops 4, and delineate it as seeing players take on the role of a 'varied cast of world-wide special forces and freedom fighters in gripping and heart-pounding missions through iconic European cities and volatile expanses of the Centre East.'

Intriguingly, Modern Warfare will too see the debut of an all newfangled railway locomotive for the Call of Obligation series, and perhaps most excitingly, the expel reveals that the team plan for the game to feature hybridise-platform patronize in multiplayer between PC and consoles. Along topmost of that, Call of Duty Modern Warfare is eschewing the traditional Flavor Pass, 'so that we can return much free maps and content as well as post-launch events to all players.'

Multiplayer and co-op modes are also promised, although the unveil was light on details for those aspects for the time being aside from existence mentioned as part of the 'immersive narrative experience' – implying a story that weaves players direct all three. Expect even more information in the coming weeks.

Hollo of Obligation: Modern Warfare is set to release happening Xbox I, PlayStation 4 and PC done Rash on October 25.

Outcry of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

happening PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Release Date:

25 October 2019

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